SUBALBUM:  Purificación Fontán

While the Spanish and English Wikipedia articles for her husband, José de Elduayen, make no mention of her, the Galician-language article does, approximately translated by Google as, “ he widowed, Elduayen, married Purificatión Fontán y Perez-Palma (ca. 1844-1921), great-granddaughter of Buenaventura Marco del Pont and daughter of Ventura and Fontan Marco del Pont, Chief Executive Director of the Royal site of El Buen Retiro and its porcelain factory, Gurney Pazo de la Merced.” His first wife had two children, but the Galician-language article does not mention her having children.

She founded a trade school in Tortoreos in Galicia in 1912 that fell on hard times, closed, and reopened. Two of the portraits in this Subalbum come from that college.

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