1899 Princess Mathilde of Bavaria, later Princess of Saxe Coburg and Gotha by ?


From artnachronism.tumblr.com/post/165110777552/ladylabsinthe-princess-mathilde-of-bavaria; removed print from lower left with Photoshop and removed monocolor tint.

1899 Princess Mathilde of Bavaria, later Princess of Saxe Coburg and Gotha by ? From artnachronism.tumblr.com:post:165110777552:ladylabsinthe-princess-mathilde-of-bavaria detint deprint

Princess Mathilde's dress has a combination of sweetheart and bateau neckline framed by a decorated bertha panel.

Keywords:  Princess Mathilde of Bavaria Saxe-Coburg-Kohary, Mathilde von Bayern, Mathilde Marie Theresia Henriette Christine Luitpolda, Prinzessin von Bayern, Prinzessin von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Wittelsbach family, Wettin family, Princess, German, straight coiffure, neck band, necklace, pouter pigeon bodice, modesty piece, off shoulder bateau neckline, embroidered bertha, quarter length full sleeves, bracelets, waist sash, shallow vee waistline, A-line skirt, fan

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