1897 Elena di Montenegro by Giacomo Brogi

Upgrade image posted 27 February 2016 from uk.picclick.com-Collectables-Postcards-Royalty-?page=16; spots and flaws throughout image and left edge fixed with Photoshop and exposure increased, shadows filled in, and sepia tone removed.

1897 Elena di Montenegro by Giacomo Brogi UPGRADE From uk.picclick.com-Collectables-Postcards-Royalty-?page=16

Elena wears a trim skirt under a square neckline and the flourish of a fur-lined mantle in this 1897 Brogi photo. Her dress has an over-bodice with an opening fringed with ruffled lapels.

Keywords:  1897, Brogi, Queen Elena, Montenegro family, Savoia family, Princess, Queen, straight coiffure, tiara, square neckline, modesty piece, over-bodice, lapels, epaulettes, lace, quarter length puffed sleeves, engageantes, vee waistline, A-line skirt, necklace, gloves, handkerchief, mantle, fur

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