Reina Isabel de Valois by ? (location ?)

From Also posted to Isabel de Valois’ Subalbum here.

Reina Isabel de Valois by ? (location ?) From

Isabel likes red dresses, including this jeweled saya with very wide and cuffless hanging sleeves.

Keywords:  Élisabeth de Valois, Élisabeth de France, Isabel de Valois, reina de España, reine d'Espagne, Queen of Spain, Valois family, Habsburg family, Princess, Queen, Spanish, curly coiffure, lace caul, jeweled fitted tabbed bodice, jeweled high enclosing neckline, neckline ruff, carcanet necklace, pendant, jeweled rolled hanging sleeves, lining, long close slashed false sleeves, tabbed cuffs, ruffled cuffs, girdle, vee waistline, jeweled farthingale, gloves, handkerchief, saya

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