Reina Doña Margarita de Austria by Pourbus (location ?)

The artist who painted this ca. 1605 (date estimated based on dress) would be Frans Poubus the Younger. The chin is not as wide in this portrait and the one in this image as in the other images in this Subalbum.

From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr; removed spots throughout image and fixed left, upper, and right edges with Photoshop. Also posted to Margarita de Austria, Queen of Spain’s Subalbum.

Reina Doña Margarita de Austria by Pourbus (location ?) From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr

Margareta’s ruff appears to have three layers, each of increasing width. She wears a necklace with jewel-filled lattice work.

Keywords:  Queen Margarita, Margarete von Österreich (1584–1611), Erzherzogin von Österreich, Margarita de Austria-Estiria, reina de España, reina de Portugal, reina de Nápoles, reina de Sicilia, reina de Cerdeña, duquesa de Milán, duquesa titular de Borgoña y soberana consorte de los Países Bajos, Archduchess, Habsburg family, Queen, Spanish, straight coiffure, jeweled feathered hat, earrings, high enclosing neckline, lace-edged wide deep neck ruff, supportasse, surcote, jeweled tabbed sleeves, hanging sleeves, bows, pendant, necklace

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