ca. 1595 Elizabeth of England once at Ampleforth Abbey by ? (auctioned by Sotheby's)

From Wikimedia; removed a fold line in the skirt. Also posted to her Subalbum here.

ca. 1595 Elizabeth of England once at Ampleforth Abbey by ? (auctioned by Sotheby's) Wm deflaw fold line in skirt

The dress uses repeating circular geometric patterns and it has a concal skirt so it is a Spanish and not a wheel farthingale. The under-skirt is decorated with patterns of horizontal and vertical slashes.

Keywords:  1595, Queen ElizabethThe Virgin Queen, Gloriana, Good Queen Bess, Tudor family, Queen, English, frizzy coiffure, jeweled framing headdress, framing headdress, lace veil, jeweled fitted bodice, necklace, draped necklace, high vee neckline, lace-edged neckline ruff, jeweled hanging sleeves, jeweled puffed false sleeves, lace back-flared cuffs, girdle, vee waistline, jeweled over-skirt, slashed under-skirt, jeweled pendant chain, jeweled feather fan

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