1548 Empress Isabel by Titian (Prado)

This image is from the Prado's site, and the following images are excerpts from it. This high-resolution image will expand when you click on it.

Her dress has a double neckline. The main neckline is square with the upward-pointing crescent at the bottom, but modesty is provided by the partlet, ending in a small ruff, that conceals everything except part of her neck and her head. Her gown is complex with false sleeves filled in by her chemise and an over-skirt over an ornate kirtle.

Keywords:  1548, Titian, Empress, Isabella of Portugal, Habsburg family, Portuguese, straight coiffure, crescent neckline, long puffed sleeves, chemise, cuffs, girdle, jeweled pendant chain, jeweled neckline, jeweled bodice, jeweled sleeves, jeweled partlet, jeweled skirt, neck ruff, draped necklace, jeweled bodice ornament, hair jewelry, earrings

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