1657 Catalina Almunia Esparza by ? (auctioned by Balclis)

The Balclis notes for this were, "Con inscripción: 'D. CATALINA ALMUNIA I DE ESPARSA CASO CON DN. MARTIN. BELVIS SEÑOR DE BENISUERA COLATA I VISTABELLA EN EL AÑO 1657'. La retratada fue hija de Antonio Almunia Feliu, familiar del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición de Valencia y de Esperanza Serafina Esparza y Albert, y hermana del I Marqués de Rafol de Almunia. The lace bertha and cuffs, brooch, white under-sleeves, and gloves connote status. So do the curtain and coat of arms in the background.

From pinterest.com/tournette/portraits/. Reposted image 0n 26 December 2018 after fixing left edge and fixing spots in upper left corner with Photoshop and doubling size.

1657 Catalina Almunia Esparza by ? (auctioned by Balclis) X 2 From pinterest.com:tournette:portraits:

Catalina was not dressed as lavishly or portrayed as well as an infanta, but her dress follows the same tontillo design with a triangular bodice.

Keywords:  1657, Catalina Almunia Esparza, Almunia Esparza family, Spanish, straight coiffure, straight neckline, lace bertha, over-sleeves, long puffed under-sleeves, rosettes, back-flared lace cuffs, vee waistline, full over-skirt, full under-skirt, brooch, gloves, handkerchief, tontillo

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