1917 Empress Zita of Austria by Theodor Mayerhöfe (location ?)

Wikimedia sources this to Artnet so the portrait has been or will be auctioned.

Fixed the left tenth of the bottom edge with Photoshop.

1917 Empress Zita of Austria by Theodor Mayerhöfe (location ?) Wm fixed left tenth of bottom edge

Zita wears a black ribboned order bow beneath an ominous sky in this portrait. This may be a fitted, not blouson or pouter pigeon, bodice.

Keywords:  1917, Mayerhöfe, Empress Zita, Zita di Borbone-Parma, Zita Maria delle Grazie Adelgonda Micaela Raffaela Gabriella Giuseppina Antonia Luisa Agnese, Zita von Bourbon-Parma, Zita magyar és cseh királyné, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, osztrák császárné, Kaiserin von Österreich, Apostolische Königin von Ungarn, Kaiserin Zita, Zita of Bourbon-ParmaPrincess, Empress, Borbone family, Habsburg family, wavy coiffure, necklace, bodice, lace bertha, floral bodice ornament, order bows, close sleeves, fur-trimmed coat

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