Lady, probably Bianca Capello, by Bronzino (location unknown to gogm)

If it weren't for other portraits, one could conclude that Bianca Capello de Medici is wearing a 1980s style vest. Where's that time traveling deLorean when you need it?

Upgrade image from the lost gallery's photostream on flickr posted 25 September 2012; background blurred and entire image made lighter with Photoshop by gogm.

Her vest-like bodice looks like something from the 1980s, but with a ruffed partlet and gorgeous sleeves emerging from it. She wears a graceful attifet headdress, a headdress coming to a point over the forehead often worn in black by widows. Her ruff and collar are fully decorated with lace with designs set against a sheer background.

Keywords:  Bronzino, Bianca Capello, Bianca Cappello, Capello family, Medici family, Grand Duchess, Italian, attifet, straight coiffure, vee neckline, collar, ruff, lace, slashed sleeves, full puffed sleeves, rolled sleeves, jeweled sleeves, jeweled crucifix, bracelets, jeweled headdress, veil, necklace, earrings

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