1580 Noblewoman by Lavinia Fontana (National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington)

Lavinia Fontana painted this lady dressed in the manner of Bianca Cappello.

Her jacket-like bodice is open to reveal a white- and gold-striped undergarment. The bodice ends in lapels surrounding her ruff above and in tabs emerging from her heavy jeweled girdle below. There does not appear to be any slashing on her rolled sleeves. 

The skirt almost matches the bodice - the base color is the same, but there are no stripes. There is a kirtle of gold and red brocade under the skirt.

Keywords:  1580, Fontana, neck ruff, escoffion, jeweled headdress, girdle, rolled sleeves, false sleeves, collar, cuffs, escoffion, high enclosing neckline, carcanet necklace, draped necklace, girdle, jeweled pendant chain, jeweled pendant, rings, jeweled crucifix, tabbed bodice, under-skirt

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