1901 Yole Biaggini Moschini by Matteo Corcos (private collection) hat and bodice

From dejavuteam.com/2015/11/24/la-moda-della-belle-epoque-attraverso-la-pittura-di-vittorio-matteo-corcos/; filled in shadows and doubled size.

1901 Yole Biaggini Moschini by Matteo Corcos (private collection) hat and bodice From dejavuteam.com:2015:11:24:la-moda-della-belle-epoque-attraverso-la-pittura-di-vittorio-matteo-corcos: shadows X 2

Filling in the shadows of the last image shows Jole’s wavy coiffure. This also shows details of her collar, bodice, jabot, and embroidery.

Keywords:  1901, Corcos, Jole Biaggini Moschini, Yole Biaggini Moschini, Biaggini family, Moschini family, Italian, wavy coiffure, jeweled feathered hat, cuirasse bodice, high enclosing neckline, fur collar, lace jabot, long close sleeves, fur cuffs, close skirt, bustle, gloves, umbrella

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