ca. 1758 Maria Antonia of Fürstenberg, daughter of Josef Friedrich of Hohenzollern-Hechingen by Franz Josef Weiss (location unknown to gogm)

From Wikimedia; background and panels of Maria Antonia's coat blurred with Photoshop by gogm to reduce granular texture. Image re-posted on 20 August 2012.

The huge sleeves may have encumbered Maria Antonia while she was hunting in this military-style dress portrayed by Weiss. Detail-enhancing tricks reveal almost nothing about how the sleeves attach to the bodice, but the sleeves look tight-fitting in this image.

 keywords:  1758, Weiss, Hohenzollern family, Fürstenberg family, Princess, German, straight coiffure, tricorne hat, scarf, scoop neckline, buttons, long tight sleeves, cuffs, engageantes, hunting dress

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