Infanta Catalina Micaela de Habsburgo, duquesa de Saboya by ? (location ?)

From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr.

Infanta Catalina Micaela de Habsburgo, duquesa de Saboya by ? (location ?) From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr

After so many portraits in somber and darker colors, this portrait of Infanta Catalina in almost shocking pink is striking. The pink and silver parts of her dress have numerous 1 to 2 cm wide slashes while her hanging sleeves are rather small.

Keywords:  Infanta Catalina, Caterina d’Austria, Catalina Micaela de Austria, Caterina Michela d'Asburgo, duchessa di Savoia, Princess, Duchess, Habsburg family, Savoia family, Spanish, straight coiffure, hair jewelry, jeweled framing headdress, fitted slashed tabbed bodice, high enclosing neckline, lace neck ruff, carcanet necklace, pendant, necklace, slashed tabbed hanging sleeves, false sleeves, lace flared cuffs, girdle, vee waistline, slashed skirt, farthingale, handkerchief, saya

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