1853 Amalia de Llano y Dotres, condesa de Vilches by Federico Madrazo y Kunz (Prado)

Madrazo uses an Ingres-esque technique by having the Condesa prop her head on her hand in this 1853 portrait.

The Countess' bodice is intersting - revers set off an open area spanned by ruched bands, a form of stomacher, that cover her shemist that also provides her "modesty" piece. The stomacher is not solid - it is a form of coarse open-work.

Keywords:  1853, Madrazo y Kunz, Countess, Spanish, straight coiffure, off shoulder vee neckline, chemise, split bodice, quarter length close sleeve, revers, stomacher, ruffles, vee waistline, full skirt, bracelets, fan, wrap

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