Catherine de Würtemberg by Salomon-Guillaume Counis (Musée de la maison Bonaparte - Ajaccio, Corsica, France)

The right image is as found ont he Internet, the left image was fixed with Photoshop.

RMN Photo - Gérard Blot.

Catherine de Würtemberg by Salomon-Guillaume Counis (Musée de la maison Bonaparte - Ajaccio, Corsica, France) RMN Photo - Gérard Blot

This appears to be a variation of the Augustin portrait seen in this image.

Keywords:  1807, Augustin, Counis, Blot, Catharina Württemberg-Westphalia, Katharina von Württemberg, Katharine Sophie Friederike Dorothee von Württemberg, Catherine de Wurtemberg, Königin von Westphalen, Reine de Westphalie, Württemberg family, Bonaparte family, Princess, Queen, curly coiffure, hair jewelry, earrings, necklace, Emppire bodice, square neckline, quarter length close sleeves, Empire waistline, close skirt

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