1650 Drottning Kristina av Sverige by ? in the 18th century after lost original by David Beck (private collection)

Part of the Swedish-language caption for this at mynewsdesk.com/se/livrustkammaren/images/kung-kristina-drottning-av-sverige-180776 translates, using Google, to, “...Here depicted at the time of coronation in the cloak jacket and with all the regalia; crown, sprout, apple, sword and key…”

From Google search.

1650 Drottning Kristina av Sverige by ? in the 18th century after lost original by David Beck (private collection) From mynewsdesk.com/se/livrustkammaren/images/kung-kristina-drottning-av-sverige-180776

Christina poses in mid-century dress with puffed sleeves and a close skirt and fitted bodice separated by a vee waistline.

Keywords:  Beck - David, 1650, Queen Christina, Queen Christine, Drottning Kristina, Kristina Alexandra, drottning av Sverige, Vasa family, Queen, proto-hurluberlu coiffure, headdress, chemise, modesty piece, vee neckline, elbow length full under-sleeves, arm bands, flared cuffs, bracelets, fitted bodice, elbow length puffed over-sleeves, vee waistline, shoes, robes, regalia

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