ca. 1640 Erzherzogin Cäcilia Renata (1611-1644), Königin von Polen by Frans Luycx (Kunsthistorisches Museum - Wien, Austria)

Upgrade image replacing one posted 25 May 2012 from Wikimedia.

ca. 1640 Erzherzogin Cäcilia Renata (1611-1644), Königin von Polen by Frans Luycx (Kunsthistorisches Museum - Wien, Austria) WM UPGRADE

Cecilia Renata wears a wide lace collar, big sleeves with big lace cuffs, and a big sweeping skirt for this Luyckx portrait. The dress has a jacket and stomacher bodice.

Keywords:  1639, Luyckx, Cecilia Renata, Habsburg family, Vasa family, Archduchess, Queen, Polish, curly coiffure, hair jewelry, over-dress, jacket bodice, lace-edged collar, high vee neckline, necklace, carcanet necklace, pendant, slashed sleeves, Empire low waistline, lace-edged full over-skirt, stomacher, under-dress, long full under-sleeves, bows, bracelets, lace back-flared cuffs, jeweled waist band, natural high waistline, under-skirt, fan

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