Kaiserin Augusta Victoria

From eBay; spots removed with Photoshop and monocolor tint removed.

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria eBay despot detint

Empress-to-be Ausgusta Victoria strikes an arrogant pose wearing the same dress seen in the last image. Her waistline is covered.

Keywords:  Empress Auguste Victoria, Auguste Viktoria Friederike Luise Feodora Jenny, Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Auguste Viktoria Deutsche Kaiserin und Königin von Preußen, Princess Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Princess Wilhelm of Prussia, Princess, Empress, Schleswig-Holstein family, Hohenzollern family, German, straight coiffure, feathered hat, partlet, high enclosing neckline, pin, bodice, scoop neckline, leg-o-mutton sleeves, cuffs, bracelets, muff, close skirt

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