1908 Viktoria Luise by Erich Sellin


Upgrade image posted 9 November 2012 from the lost gallery's photostream on flickr; about ten spots and flaws throughout image fixed with Photoshop and sepia tone removed by gogm.

1908 Viktoria Luise by Erich Sellin the lost gallery

Viktoria Luise wears a wide flower- and feather-decorated hat and a dress brimming with lacy frills in this 1908 Sellin photo.

Keywords:  1908, Sellin, Viktoria Luise, Princess, Duchess, Hohenzollern family, Welf family, German, floral feathered hat, high enclosing neckline, ruff, bertha, lace, elbow length sleeves, flounces, waist band, shallow vee waistline, close skirt, necklace, bracelets, parasol

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