1906 Mercedes Mendeville, condesa de San Félix by Joaquín Sorolla (Museo Nacional del Prado - Madrid Spain)

Alta resolución image from the Prado; image made lighter to resolve her coiffure by gogm.

1906 Mercedes Mendeville, condesa de San Félix by Joaquín Sorolla (Museo Nacional del Prado - Madrid Spain) AR

Countess Merceds' dress is all the more spectacular because it does not have the fussy bodice of a 1900s dress with the blouson or pouter pigeon bodice and distinct waist band. This dress has a criss-cross bodice and the hourglass waistline of a dress from about 1890. The ornamentation of the day is limited to the under-bodice and the bare shoulder sleeves with huge engageantes.

Keywords:  1906, Sorolla y Bástida, Mercedes Mendeville, Condesa de San Félix, Countess of San Félix, Countess, Spanish, bouffant coiffure, burn, under-bodice, trapezoidal neckline, elbow length bare shoulder sleeves, engageantes, laceover-bodice, criss-cross bodice, strap sleeves, vee waistline, close skirt, shoes, coat, lining, fur

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